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BAU Expo Munich

BAU Expo Munich

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Tony Paarhammer and Andrew Ferguson were part of the 190,000 visitors at the BAU Expo in Munich end of April, gaining insights into all the newest products on show. The 2260 exhibitors from 49 countries included the following topics which might also become significant for the Australian building industry: Façade insulation and secondary façade insulation, Prefabrication and materials to streamline the building processes, Lifting equipment like small tower cranes to make work easier on the building site, Solutions to reduce or eliminate thermal bridging in building envelopes, Low and zero level thresholds with drainage and thermal breaks, Screws, bolts, connectors for the timber construction industry, Low VOC
NCC - Energy Efficiency & Livability

NCC - Energy Efficiency & Livability

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The new National Construction Code (NCC) which came into effect on the 1st of May 2023 (start date has to be adopted by each State and Territory) includes higher energy efficiency regulations and provisions for dwellings to better meet community needs including for the elderly or those with mobility limitations. Paarhammer products meet and exceed these new regulations. Today we look at new dwelling access regulations: Clear OpeningAccess to dwellings now require entrance doors (or 1 universal access point/door) with a clear opening of a minimum of 820mm, not including the frame or door leave. Step-free access is also a must
Care and Maintenance for your Windows

Care and Maintenance for your Windows

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Windows are exposed to a variety of environmental influences such as dust, soot, pollen, UV radiation, rain, heat and cold, but high-quality products are durable and relatively easy to look after. To benefit from the longest possible service life, it is important to regularly care for your new windows and doors right from the start so that the desired appearance and functionality are retained for decades. Long-lasting windows protect the environment and your wallet at the same time. What to use for cleaningWith aluminium clad frames the best results are achieved with a neutral cleaning agent and a sponge or cloth,
Clerestory Windows: Unique Benefits

Clerestory Windows: Unique Benefits

Monday, April 17, 2023

What are clerestory windows and why can we see their revival in modern homes? Clerestory windows are often narrow windows placed towards the top of a wall, close to the ceiling or roofline. While already used by the Egyptians and over the centuries in many churches, clerestory windows are now frequently seen in modern homes. Clerestory windows can also be shaped to follow a roof line, and in such designs the windows create the perception of a floating roof, and a sense of connection to the sky. Privacy Part of the reason for their revival are strict overlooking laws. Building
Windows: Burglary protection

Windows: Burglary protection

Thursday, March 23, 2023

During the 2021-2022 financial year almost 200,000 households were broken into in Australia and around the same number experienced attempted break-ins. Almost twice as many households experienced malicious property damage*. The most common items stolen were personal items like jewellery and clothing, followed by bicycles and sporting equipment, money, purse or wallet, and tools**. It is worthwhile to understand the role of windows and doors in the safety of the house and learn about the technical measures and features that can help make our homes more secure. Windows and doors: The weakest link Obvious entry points in most cases, are
Additional benefits of bushfire windows

Additional benefits of bushfire windows

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Paarhammer manufactures bushfire safe windows and doors for all BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) ratings including BAL-FZ (Flame Zone). They are tested, certified, approved and compliant to all relevant Australian Standards and are designed to keep the fire out and you safe in the event of a bushfire. But the benefits go far beyond bushfire safety.High energy efficiencyA frame thickness of 78mm combined with special double-glazing achieve 7 to 8 WERS (Window Energy Rating Scheme) energy stars for heating and cooling, with a U-value from a very low 1.6. Such high energy efficiency can dramatically reduce energy bills while at the same time increase comfort
Lift-slide doors vs. Sliding doors

Lift-slide doors vs. Sliding doors

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

What are the main differences and how do they compare? With outdoor living areas being an extension of modern homes, sliding glass doors are all the rage. There are two options when choosing sliding doors: regular sliding doors or lift-slide sliding doors.Regular sliding doors have been used in Australia for decades and usually have basic rollers along the bottom which allows the door to roll on the threshold or are top hung. Some door types already feature seals or brushes but there is little clearance between the rail and the threshold, which results in a compromise between making the door somewhat
Windows - Advantage through Technology

Windows - Advantage through Technology

Friday, December 02, 2022

Ever wondered how technologically advanced windows are manufactured? This video showcases what goes into the manufacturing of custom made high performance Paarhammer windows and doors. There are in fact 26 steps that custom-made windows or doors must go through before it can leave the Paarhammer factory. Starting with a piece of sustainably sourced timber which has to be planed on all sides, cut to length and laminated together for strength and stability. Rebates, and mortise and tenon joints are next before four pieces are put together into a square. Hinge recesses, points for mounting handles etc. are routered out, and
Summer can equal Bushfire Danger

Summer can equal Bushfire Danger

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Bushfires are a threat we have to live with in Australia and other countries around the world. Planning controls apply to many aspects of how land can be used and what has to be considered when building. A large component of building in bushfire prone areas are windows and doors and strict regulations apply.Different BAL-Levels6 levels of severity of Bushfire Attack Levels: BAL-low, BAL-12.5, BAL-19, followed by BAL-29, high BAL-40 and extremely high BAL-FZ (Flame Zone). If your planned building is in a Bushfire Prone Area, you will need a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment. Each BAL-level measures a buildings
Working with Indigenous Sawmill

Working with Indigenous Sawmill

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The search for an Australian timber for their Bushfire Safe window and door Range brought Paarhammer to a remote corner of the Northern Territory. Here the Gumatj Corporation, an Indigenous Corporation of the Yolngu people of East Arnhem, mills Darwin Stringybark.Traditional owners are planning ahead for when mining royalties from the Rio Tinto bauxite mine end.Gumatj Corporation was established already in 2007 to offer training, create jobs, provide resources for remote living, and is taking steps towards the economic independence of the Yolngu people. A part of this overall vision and the wide range of businesses now owned and operated
Invest in climate action

Invest in climate action

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Australians produce around 499 million tons of CO2 per year *. More and more people are asking themselves how they can reduce their carbon footprint. Heating and cooling consume the most energy in a house and cause the most CO2. Since older windows are a real energy waster, there is a huge savings potential there.Energy LossThe greatest weakness in old windows are poor glazing with insufficient insulation (especially single glazing) and leaky window joints as well poor installation. This is where most of the energy is lost.High-techWindows have developed rapidly in recent years and are now real high-tech components of
National Construction Code (NCC) changes

National Construction Code (NCC) changes

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

The NCC 2022 has recently been released. The new edition will become effective on the 1st of May 2023 with a transitional period which may vary in each State. About the NCC: The NCC is Australia’s primary set of technical design and construction provisions for buildings. As a performance-based code, it sets the minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of certain buildings.’ Changes: NCC 2022 introduces a considerable amount of change both in terms of the number and complexity of the reforms, particularly with the introduction of the new Livable housing requirements and residential energy