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Lift-slide doors vs. Sliding doors

What are the main differences and how do they compare?
With outdoor living areas being an extension of modern homes, sliding glass doors are all the rage. There are two options when choosing sliding doors: regular sliding doors or lift-slide sliding doors.
Regular sliding doors have been used in Australia for decades and usually have basic rollers along the bottom which allows the door to roll on the threshold or are top hung. Some door types already feature seals or brushes but there is little clearance between the rail and the threshold, which results in a compromise between making the door somewhat airtight while still allowing for sliding functionality. This can cause damage to the seal, and the constant load on the rollers can cause wear and tear to the rollers. Over time these sliding doors tend to become harder to open, especially if they are larger and heavier elements. Regular sliding doors are also notorious for being draughty.
In contrast, the lift-slide sliding door has a number of carriages with multiple rollers recessed in the bottom rail which engage when the handle of the door is turned. This door handle acts like a lever by activating the carriages which in turn lift the door up, allowing it to slide easily and smoothly with minimum force required. Turning the handle back into the original position retracts the carriages and lets the door sit down onto its seal. Because of this lift-up action there is no wear and tear on the seals or rollers and when the door is closed it creates an airtight finish.
Main advantages of lift-slide sliding doors:
Better energy efficiency
Lift-slide sliding doors lift up first – as the name implies - before you slide them wide open. This feature allows the doors to seal perfectly when closed, providing the highest energy efficiency and security. Double layers of seals ensure these doors are airtight and draught free, improving comfort and sound protection, and importantly decreasing energy waste, leading to a more sustainable lifestyle.
Larger Sizes
With advanced lift-slide technology, and the right hardware, it is possible to make giant sliding doors of up to 400kg per sliding panel that slide smoothly and are very easy to operate. Sizes from 3m high by 3m wide for the actual slider, or 2.1m high by 4.5m wide, or anything in between are available.
While it is easy to open lift-slide sliding doors manually, some configurations can be automated to open and close with the push of a button, while a night vent allows for fresh air while locked safely.
Paarhammer lift-slide sliding doors are also available, tested and approved, for all bushfire levels including Bushfire Attack Level – Flame Zone (BAL-FZ) without the need for shutters, size restrictions apply depending on the BAL-rating.
As all Paarhammer lift-slide sliding doors are custom made, there is the choice of a timber threshold or a thermally broken aluminium threshold. Both can be recessed into the floor to achieve an almost level sill.
Double or triple glazed lift-slide sliding doors, stackers, giant sliders, and corner sliders are custom made by Paarhammer in Australia in timber or composite Wood-Alu and are available in many configurations, glazing options and finishes. Accessories can include timber flyscreen doors or retractable screens.
In summary, lift-slide doors are the newer and more optimised generation of sliding doors. Thanks to better engineering and an inherently smarter design, they provide higher energy efficiency, have better longevity and are generally easier to use.
Ready to talk lift-slide sliding doors? Get in touch now