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Uncover the Secrets of lift-slide Sliding Doors

For making an architectural statement, or for opening the home to entertaining areas, nothing beats the versatility and style of Paarhammer Lift-Slide Sliding Doors.
In addition to a double layer of seals, they feature retractable carriages as part of the German hardware, which allow the door to be sealed airtight to increase energy efficiency and stops drafts. This function also allows the door to be stopped in any open position.
Lift-slide sliding doors have a number of carriages recessed into the bottom of the sliding door panel as part of the technologically advanced hardware. These carriages lift up the door with the turn of the handle, thereby freeing up the door for easy gliding without drag on the double layer of seals. Once the handle is turned into a second position, the carriages retract and the door stops as the whole weight of the door now sits on the seals. When the handle is turned into that same position when you close the door, it again sits down onto its seals, and a seal at the top and at the back also engage, all ensuring that the door is absolutely draft free.
Draft free also means being excellent for energy efficiency and sound proofing. Paarhammer tested WERS (Window Energy Rating Scheme) ratings state that our products have U-values from 1.0, energy savings of up to 84%, and the air infiltration is a low 0.05%. So no more rattling and drafty sliding doors! Ideal for high wind situations.
The latest developments in technology allow the threshold to be recessed into the floor for step free access and a cleaner look, and with no grooves in the threshold, cleaning is easy.
Double or triple glazed lift-slide sliding doors, stackers, giant sliders and corner sliders are custom made and available in many configurations, glazing options and finishes. Paarhammer sliding doors are also available, tested and approved, for all bushfire levels including BAL-FZ without the need for shutters.
Another lift-slide sliding door in the Paarhammer range are custom made giant sliders of up to 400kg per leaf which still glide just as smoothly. Sizes from 3m high by 3m wide for the actual slider, or 2.1m high by 4.5m wide, or anything in between are available. Accessories include motorisation, timber flyscreen doors or retractable screens.
See DOORS for more information and the availability of different lift-slide sliding doors in each product range.