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Passive House Primary School

It is an inspiration to all the industry, that Clifton Hill Primary School chose to build their campus extension to the strict Passive House standard. Importance of windows as an integral part of houses and buildings is well established, however, when it comes to an educational space, this increases multiple folds:
Windows in a classroom
A classroom with natural sunlight exposure, fresh air and outdoor views is proven to boost performance, help brain function and reduce depression among students as well as teachers. Another crucial aspect of windows in a school setting, is their ability to insulate noise pollution to create an optimised and quiet environment suitable for learning.
The Clifton Hill Primary School expansion project is a 4 story brand new building, designed by Jackson Clements Burrows Architects (JCB) to the strict Passive House standard. It is under construction at the moment by the Kapitol Group and will serve as vertical campus for year 5 and 6 students in Clifton Hill.
In addition to energy efficiency, large windows and good sound insulation, the architects of this project also had a strict commitment to sustainable business practice and limiting environmental impact of the project, which led them to Paarhammer Wood-Alu triple-glazed windows range, suitable for Passive House.
Custom built in Australia
This project includes a ~35 square meter unit with 9 fixed triple-glazed low E glass panes. In addition to supporting local businesses and Australian workforce, Paarhammer’s products are custom made to help turn your vison into reality and give you freedom in your designs.
Performance: energy efficiency, noise reduction & maintenance
Passivehouse is the toughest and highest standard when it comes to energy efficient buildings. Consequently, only the very best windows and doors with the lowest U values are suitable for achieving passive house energy efficiency margins. Paarhammer triple-glazed Wood-Alu Range with very low u value of 1 is the ideal choice, capable of providing the required energy efficiency levels. See Paarhammer Passive House Range for more information.
Additionally Paarhammer’s Wood-Alu Range triple glazed windows have an excellent noise reduction capability of up to 43 dB, making them the ideal candidate to create a quiet class-room environment, allowing students and staff excel despite the noisy world outside.
Anti-condensation technology and powder coated aluminium cladding ensures longevity of both structure and aesthetics of the window, allowing for minimum maintenance required.
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