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Kevin McCloud on Sustainability

At a recent talk in Melbourne Kevin McCloud spoke of his background,influences, and how his intrigue with the built world began evolving from the age of 6. Eloquent and personable he joked with the audience with ease providing a multitude of anecdotes, speaking of the passage of architecture, and of course referencing his Grand Design experiences.
However the lightness of tone gave way to the more serious topic of sustainability. The importance of leaving the world in a greater position than how we have found it. The worth and the value in making meaningful purchases where the supply chain is understood and the decision to purchase considered. Where waste is accumulating at an alarming rate it was a thought provoking discussion, intended to reach every audience member and encourage influence beyond Hamer Hall.
The importance of this message was focused on the actions of individuals, not on the higher powers of our society but on the changes that each of us can make daily that directly affect the resources of our planet and impact the health of our environment. To be overwhelmed by the magnitude is futile when change is possible with one step at a time in the right direction.
At Paarhammer we recognize and value the need to be sustainable, and have embraced this not only through the energy efficient windows and doors that we manufacture to enable a reduction in the heating and cooling costs of your home, but also through the sustainable features of our premises.
Our factory is for the most part powered by a large almost 100 kWh rooftop solar panel systems, light management reduces electricity needs, water tanks collect water from the roof and provide supply to the factory, and waste management of the factory’s wood shavings are recycled into wood briquettes that are used to provide hot water and heat to our factory and during the winter months.
Imported products attract large amounts of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) when transporting from Europe, Asia, or elsewhere. It makes sense to take Kevin's advice and make meaningful purchases, understand the supply chain, and specify products using as many local materials as possible. In the case of Paarhammer windows and doors we use timber grown in Gippsland and glass made in Australia. And of course, your windows and doors are manufactured right here.
Ready to talk windows and doors? Let’s get started
Photo: Kevin McCloud with Tony and Edith Paarhammer at the Grand Design Expo Melbourne 2014