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Do your Windows comply?

Recently some high profile projects were in the media for all the wrong reasons: their windows did not comply to the Australian Standard. The Australian Standards AS2047 and AS1288 set out minimum mandatory specifications under the Building Code of Australia which your windows and doors have to meet. All window manufacturers must comply with this Standard and must be able to verify compliance on request.
The tests for AS2047 include a Deflection Test, Operating Force Test, Air Infiltration Test, Water Penetration Resistance Test and Ultimate Strength Test.
All residential windows and doors must have a Performance Label that confirms the windows and doors are certified to comply with Australian Standard 2047. You should also receive a Certificate of Compliance showing compliance of windows and doors to the National Construction Code.
Australian Windows Association (AWA) members must undergo annual compliance audits in their factories which verify that the windows and doors are tested and approved by an independent NATA accredited auditor to AS2047.
Building Surveyors and Council Certifiers require compliance verification when approving buildings. The AWA accreditation program provides a simple and verifiable means of proving the performance of a window. This program also meets the requirements of government and other bodies that require quality assurance when choosing a supplier.
A further advantage of AWA accreditation is that it confirms manufacturers comply to the AWA Code of Conduct and provide a 6 year warranty against faulty workmanship and materials.
Labels like the one above should be on all windows and doors stating that the manufacturer is accredited, the products have energy efficiency ratings as well as their design performance. Paarhammer achieves a structural performance of 1500 Pa and water resistance of 200 Pa.
If it is energy efficiency or air filtration, shading coefficient or water penetration, you are always on the safe side with windows tested and approved.
Replacing windows and doors is a major cost and it is easier to get it right the first time. For more info on Compliance:
Please see an Update on Window Compliance dated 18/01/2017
Please see the latest: Compliance - the next Step dated 08/11/18