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30 Years on - Windows still perfect

A recent visit to one of the very first Paarhammer window clients confirmed that all their double-glazed windows and doors are working perfectly well after more than 30 years of daily use. “We are still so very pleased that we chose Paarhammer to make our windows and doors when building our home in the early 1990’s, and we still enjoy the benefits of high comfort and low energy use more than 30 years later.” Real sustainability is longevity of materials.
In these early years windows were made from Oregon timber but as Paarhammer was looking to use Australian raw materials, that has changed in the meantime to Victorian Ash from Gippsland. Vic Ash from the supplier ‘Sustainable Australian Hardwood’ is AFS and PEFC certified and features a hardwood with straight grain.
The finish on the timber frames has also changed over the years and is now a specially formulated paint for windows and doors, made by ‘ADLER’ in Austria, is low-VOC and spraypainted by a robot in the Paarhammer factory.
The glass in this project from 1991 was from Pilkington which was bought in 2007 by CSR that created the Viridian brand. Paarhammer still uses glass made in Australia by Viridian, made into double or triple glazing, depending on requirements.
These clients’ double-glazed tilt & turn windows would have been one of the first of this European opening style made in timber in Australia. Hardware used was from the company Siegenia in Germany. In the meantime, Paarhammer’s affiliated company Siegware is the agent for Siegenia hardware for Australia and New Zealand. Needless to say, all hardware used by Paarhammer is still from Siegenia, 30-odd years later.
The owners say: “We built the house ourselves; it is off grid and made of mudbricks. Every day we enjoy the view through Paarhammer windows and doors, they are beautiful and work well. If we were to build again, the windows and doors would still be made by Paarhammer, except now we might step up to triple-glazed ones.”
Ready to talk windows and doors for your project? Contact us